2022-2023 Associate Year
It’s the last day of my associate year.
I had one goal this year: bill less than last year.
I did that.
In doing so, two interesting things happened:
(1) my revenue substantively increased, signaling I was doing less but more valuable work;
(2) my billable equivalent hours increased, signaling I had more time to support valued firm initiatives and pro bono work.
I learned a lot this year.
I still love depositions (and I took or defended more than 10 of them).
I still have the trial bug (and I had a jury trial and substantive arbitration trial).
I love project management (and my managing credit volume skyrocketed to reflect that).
And finally: serving, leading, coaching, and mentoring the associates coming up behind me brings me so much joy and professional satisfaction.
My firm’s fiscal year falls on the calendar year, but I love having a “new year” in the middle.
It’s a good time to reflect and confirm what I want to come next.
What comes next should be fun. 🔥♥️✌🏻
#lawyerwellbeing #biglaw #billablehour #professionalwomen #gettingthingsdone