A curated list of books I’ve found helpful:

50 Lessons for Lawyers — Nora Riva Bergman

I also highly recommend her follow-up books: 50 Lessons for Women Lawyers and 50 Lessons for Happy Lawyers.

The Essential Associate & The Productivity Pivot — Jay Harrington

Jay provides practical (so, so practical) advice for becoming an indispensable associate and building a routine for productivity and business develop. All of his books are worth reading, and his podcast is top notch, too.

The Gifts of Imperfection — Brene Brown

No human is perfect. Embracing that is freedom. Believing it helps remind you that even those you place on a pedestal mess up.

Deep Work — Cal Newport

This was the first personal development book that really struck me. In a world full of distractions, finding time for deep work is essential and this book helps put that into much needed perspective.

After Hello — Deb Feder

Deb outlines a new approach to business development that starts with authentic conversations. She even gives a list of thirty conversations to try, which should help push anyone over the “this feels awkward” obstacle.

Burnout — Emily Nagoski & Amelia Nagoski

This book came to me at the right time. Breaking the stress cycle is now something I think about every day.