58 Hours
My vacation begins in 58 hours.
There's so much--personally and professionally--to get done in that time.
This can be when my anxiety creeps up and out of control.
I can spin out because of a short/sharp email.
I can feel the weight of the to-do list.
I can experience pressure to fit that one more thing into my day.
But: I have the tools to keep those thoughts at bay--to the periphery rather than front and center.
Today, I will rely on those tools; tomorrow, too.
And likely through the first hours of my vacation as I let myself unwind after another big, big year.
My vacation begins in 58 hours and I'm ready: ready for the exciting opportunities the next three workdays bring and ready for the time away.
#mindfullyemily #emilylitigates #biglaw #professionalwomen #lawyerwellbeing