Yesterday, I told my therapist I felt like I was being lazy for taking my foot off the gas.
No one in my life has ever called me that.
Except me.
It is either: doing it all and going above and beyond or laziness.
I’ve always struggled with the extremes.
I can be very black and white.
And then I told my therapist all I was still doing in this “down time,” and he said:
That doesn’t sound lazy.
I said, “I guess you’re right.”
I tell y’all this because I’m confident I’m not the only attorney that struggles with this.
I’m confident I’m not the only #biglaw associate that struggles with this.
I don’t have the answers yet, beyond checking my thoughts and questioning them when I do.
I’m not lazy.
I might be tired, but I am not lazy.
Chances are: you aren’t either.
#lawyerwellbeing #productivity #bestadvice