A heavy case load.

I tend to have a heavy caseload, meaning:

Lots of matters going at the same time.

Whether from a high-volume client or multiple clients,

it can be tough to figure out: What has to get done right now?

Time management and project management are key,

but it takes time to learn what works best for you.

Here's what has helped me (imperfectly):

⌚ Track (and confirm) deadlines in multiple ways--your own docketing system, the firm's docketing system, on a paper calendar within eyesight--whatever it takes.

⌚ Bill your time every day, and use your billing notes to create a plan and to-do list for the next day.

⌚ Rank your to-do list from most important to least important, start with No. 1 and work down. Only deviate for emergencies that come up during the day (which will happen a lot). Regroup at the end of each day, for tomorrow. Constantly ask yourself, "What can wait?"

⌚ Split your to-do list into multiple days--one page for each day, so that day's tasks don't feel as overwhelming, and you know you've got other things planned for/covered in the days ahead.

⌚ Ask for help. I should have done this a lot more in those early years. No one knows what is on your plate except for you. You will drown if you're not careful and if you're not being honest with yourself and others about what you have in the fire.

⌚ Breathe. Pause and regroup daily--or hourly if needed. A reset--five minutes, an hour, a half-day--can get you back on track when things feel overwhelming.

Communication--with yourself and others--is key; as is trial and error and being patient with yourself.

It's trite, but true: they call it the "practice" of law for a reason. Stick with it, and you'll figure out what works (and doesn't) for you.

#lawyerwellbeing #bestadvice #productivity #culture #legalissues


Big Law and Anxiety


A funny thing.