
ai is here--and it is moving fast.

ai adopters will quickly stand out from the rest--especially in law.

Don't know where to start?

An example: A handful of times over the last six months I've needed to come up with questions--for panels, for interviews, for content.

I gave ai the deets and it generated specific, tailored, and thought provoking questions--in seconds.

Another example: I had a very specific research question and it proved difficult to find the answer (even by our experienced research librarians).

To confirm that there actually wasn't an answer, I asked CoCounsel. In minutes, it spit out cases and summaries, confirming we were on the right track and giving additional resources to consider.

ai can feel overwhelming.

I, for one, an very concerned about attorney client privilege and protecting attorney work product.

But: there are secure systems out there and they need early adopters.

Experiment, don't take it too seriously, and trust but verify.


#emilylitigates #biglaw #professionalwomen


Off the rails.


The Billable Hour