Be the change.

There's a lot in the law that I don't think we talk about enough. One thing is this: We are a service-based profession.

We give of ourselves to our clients by helping solve their problems--whether a personal, criminal, family, or corporate issue, we sell and provide services in a way that requires us to give of ourselves.

This can be an exhausting and draining proposition. Emptying our cups, as they say, without much thought about how to replenish the cup.

This job is hard for many reasons, but some of the reasons it is hard do not have to continue being the reasons it is hard.

We can shed the "but this is how it's always been" mentality.

We can shed the "it was hard for me so it must be hard for you" mindset.

We can lead by example, letting go of toxic management styles, and bringing self-awareness and shared-humanity to how we treat ourselves, our colleagues, opposing counsel, and more.

We can take care of ourselves while also working hard and getting big things done.

This is not a pipe dream. You do not have to leave #biglaw to find it.

This is something each of us can control in our own worlds and spheres of influence. I'm doing it. Many, many people I know and work with are doing it. I hope you'll join us.

✌ 🔥 ❤️

#mindfullyemily #emilylitigates #lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen


Full Life

