Best Laid Plans

We all know these days:

We have a plan.

We are going to get it all done.

And then: the day goes completely awry.

Maybe it’s emergency calls.

Maybe it’s visiting coworkers.

Maybe it’s a last minute decision to go to a lunch that runs long.

Maybe it’s a little bit of everything.

You get to the end of the day and nothing on your list is done and

Maybe even you have no billable hours to show for it.

It took me forever to get used to this.

I cannot predict when these days will happen but I can predict that they will happen—again and again.

Now, it doesn’t phase me.

But, I’m still not great at what to tell associates when they ask about this phenomena.

What’s your advice?

#lawyerwellbeing #schedule #bestadvice #gettingthingsdone


Hard Time


Sunday Reset