Big Law
#BigLaw is taking a beating this week—and rightfully so.
It is true: most firms have at least one person who gets away with a lot because they make a lot of money for the firm.
What we’ve seen this week is disappointing, frustrating, sad, despicable, you name it.
I don’t know what the answer is, as money will continue to drive a lot of decisions in the profession.
I don’t know what the answer is, as associates will always hesitate to speak up out of fear it puts their careers on the line.
I don’t know what the answer is, as I’ve seen/heard language I’m uncomfortable with and hesitated to speak up.
I don’t know what the answer is, as I’ve experienced pushback when I have let go of the compliant, polite mask and been more assertive.
But, I do know this: we’re not all like that.
If you’re considering #BigLaw, talk to as many people as you can.
Ask about firm culture.
Ask about collegiality.
Ask about treatment of grinders (worker bees) vs. minders (managing attorneys) vs. finders (rainmakers).
And: trust your gut.
You’ll get a sense—when interviewing and/or in your first few years of practice—of whether the place is a good fit for you.
Listen to that. Follow it. It won’t let you down.
And: find your people—those that will help you navigate the tough moments and be honest with you about all these things and more.
Bad people are everywhere and #BigLaw is no exception. But: bad people are not the rule—I promise you that.
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