Car accident.

"If I got into a car accident right now, at least I would get to rest and not have to work."


If you've experienced these thoughts: (1) you are not alone and (2) this is a sign of burn out.

On the other platform, this type of thought came up yesterday.

I'm grateful for a community that is comfortable sharing.

So, so, so many of us have been there.

By the time you reach that point, the burn out is real and happening. It is time to react and recover--it is too late to prevent.

But: prevention is possible.

And: help is available.

You do not, and really should not, sit with those thoughts for too long, or on your own.

You can, and really should, implement daily tools and techniques to help prevent this from happening or to help you identify when it is starting.

When I reached this point, I let it sit.

For nearly a year I was thinking this every day when I drove to work (or when I got ready to sit down at my desk at home).

Four years later, I'm still addressing the consequences almost every day.

That's okay. I'm better equipped now. I'm better at getting the help I need and deserve.

Moving away from these thoughts--changing our circumstances--looks different for all of us, but it is possible. I promise.



Make the time.

