Tall Poppies

Calling all Tall Poppies--and their supporters.

Join Michele Powers, Paulette Brown, Kate Harmon and me for a discussion about this phenomenon (and unconscious bias): the tendency of humans to cut female leaders (and ambitious women) down to size.

We will acknowledge and explain the syndrome, share our experiences with it, and provide practical ways to overcome it (or thrive in practice despite it).

Put on by the ABA, this virtual panel is free to ABA members and non-members alike--Wednesday March 20 at 2 PM ET / 1 PM CT / 12 PM MT / 11 AM PT.

I must say: speaking on an ABA panel is a dream. On a women rainmakers panel? Next level. With a former ABA President and current state bar President? Beyond belief.

I hope you will join us. ❤️✌️🔥

#mindfullyemily #emilylitigates #lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen #biglaw



