Get a Hobby

To law students,
To #BigLaw associates,
To new lawyers:
Get a hobby.
Find something that has nothing to do with the law.
Make it something that frees your brain from thinking about work.
For me, that is tennis.
I haven't played in almost 2 years due to some shoulder issues, so this post is also to nudge myself to get back to it.
I'm also considering making a jump into baking (cookies & decorating them) or some other artistic outlet.
We all need something that allows our brain to disconnect,
and that is more productive than doom scrolling TikTok (my numbing choice).
We also need something that brings us joy.
Through these hobbies, we'll be more well-rounded, and, ultimately, better humans and attorneys too.
#lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen #bestadvice 


November 2022


Mean People