I’m Sorry

“My apologies . . .”

“I’m sorry . . .”

“I just . . .”

- - -

How often do you say this in emails?

How often should you actually be apologizing for something?

My judge coached me out of this my first year clerking.

A few years ago, I started editing all emails for “softening” phrases.

When an apology is required: use it.

Otherwise, speak with confidence.

Do not shrink yourself.

I know it’s hard.

In verbal communication, I still struggle to not minimize myself and my work.

But: you are a big deal, even if just to yourself.

We deserve to be here.

No need to minimize our work or shrink our efforts.

The real confidence will follow the habit.

Give it a go.

#lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen #legalissues




Earn Saying No