Mindset: Junior Associate

Mindset. As a junior associate, I recommend two themes: investment + gathering.

First, invest in yourself. This takes lots of forms, but the two overarching ideas are: healthy habits and professional development. Think of it as laying the foundation.

Personally, you want to have all those annual doctor's appointments scheduled (and rescheduled), have go-to workout options and hobbies, know how to balance work and social meals with some healthier options. There will be times when it is hard to get yourself to do these things, but if you build the habits early, it'll be easier to revisit them when times are tough.

Professionally, you want to grow your network. Relationship building is the core of this profession and you want to start practicing that as early as possible. This can be done through lunches and coffees with colleagues, CLEs and conferences, bar association events, staying in touch with friends (from law school, but also from life generally), community involvement, and so much more. The goal is not business development. The goal is developing relationships that will help you get through the downs and celebrate the ups of this job and of life.

Second, you want to gather skills. This is related to professional development and is also, very much, part of laying a solid foundation.

Gather as many opportunities as you can. A firm will take as much as they can from you, but you can also take from a firm. Your goal is to become marketable--internally and externally. This lends itself to the idea of being indispensable (internally), but it also will give you options (externally), in case you ever want or need to make a move. You also want to practice reflection and self-awareness. As you gather these opportunities, think about who you do and don't like working with and what areas you do and don't like working in.

Being a junior associate lasts anywhere from 1-3 years, for most folks. It is an often stressful but exciting time. Everything is new and, believe it or not, you often have much more time than you will later on. Use that time wisely by investing in yourself and gathering skills. With that foundation, finding the mid-level mindset will be easier, too. More on that tomorrow.

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