Monthly Recap

A "monthly recap" is a tool I use to reflect on the month wrapping up and to prepare for the month ahead.

It goes like this:

👍 What went well this month?

✔ I completed (almost) four weeks with my new virtual personal trainer (shout out to Future--it's been a great experience so far).

✔ I will hit my monthly billing goal, through consistent effort and adjustments around travel and time with family.

✔ I had a productive spring review and am excited about what's to come at Husch Blackwell.

🤷‍♀️ What would I change (with curiosity, not judgment)?

⭕ Let's be real: mindless eating Girl Scout Cookies at my desk is a habit I need to work on (and not excuse because it only comes once a year).

⭕ I'm still learning how to delegate and lead teams. I have some work to do there.

⭕ I "reacted" a lot this month--this is a theme lately.

🔮 What will I carry into the next month?

⭐ I'm going to test out 4 strength workouts a week, building on the habits I set up in March.

⭐ I'm going to remain flexible with the billable hour--we welcome a new puppy in a week and I have work travel at the end of the month. I will focus on the work on my plate and plan ahead as best as possible.

⭐ I'm going to continue content creation and community building on LinkedIn.

What do you want to celebrate from March?

What do you have to look forward to in April?

#lawyerwellbeing #bestadvice #culture #personaldevelopment


Monthly Planning Session

