Monthly Recap: May 2024
Last day of May--time for my monthly look-back and reflection on the month, before diving into June (and revisiting (not romanticizing) my billable hours goal). This month:
✌️ I started in Atlanta--I had to double check this, because that visit to see my family feels like ages ago. It was a sweet and relaxing visit. I am grateful for it.
✌️ I volunteered at Wills For Heroes--my only time in 2024 to date, which is rare for me. It is my favorite way to give back.
✌️I premiered and published my podcast. It has been such a rewarding experience. I am grateful for all of the feedback.
✌️ Enjoyed a Top Chef dinner with Dan and Kaleena--delicious.
✌️ Did all the local and statewide networking, including happy hours and lunches with friends and colleagues, lunches with incoming and summer associates, a fun dinner with attendees of the Association of Corporate Counsel conference, and speaking at two bar association events.
✌️ Continued my business development coaching and mastermind. Connecting with three other big-law female litigators has been one of the more impactful experiences of my career to date.
✌️ Returned to Milwaukee's summer tennis league through the USTA.
✌️ And got my first offer to pay for me to speak on lawyer wellbeing.
It was a big month for me personally. Professionally, I continued to work on the business more than in it. That is a weird but very fulfilling transition. Litigation remains my bread and butter--my joy, truly--but business development and growing my brand has brought a new type of fulfillment to my professional life and I look forward to continue growing it.