
Yesterday, I did not want to work.

I got to work. Tried to work. Nothing.

So, I gave myself permission: do what you can.

I worked slowly.

I worked gently.

I took many breaks.

And, guess what? I ended up getting a whole lot accomplished, clearing the decks on some items that had fallen to the back burner while other matters took centerstage.

You can like your job and not love it every day.

You can enjoy your work and still hit walls like this.

You’re human: the ebbs and flows are natural.

Notice them. Accept them. Give yourself permission to work at a pace that feels right in each moment.

I’ll try to keep the same pace today, doing what I can, taking advantage of a reprieve from the chaos, before it churns up again.


#lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen #gettingthingsdone #productivity


10 Years

