No Meeting Monday

It is Monday.

I have one meeting, and it is not until 130 PM CT.

Here's to taking advantage of this by:

😴 Sleeping in.

🐶 Walking my dog to grab coffee down the street.

💪 Working out.

✍ Deep work.

Honestly, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

After a wonderful, spacious weekend,

I wanted to carry that free feeling into this week,

And I almost didn't make it.

So, I restarted by getting outside, in the sun, with my younger dog (still, very much a puppy), and enjoying an iced coffee on the walk back.

I have lots of time today and remembering that will help me not feel guilty for taking it slow.

I have lots of time today and remembering that will help me not put so much pressure on myself to bill, bill, bill.

Make it a great day--or not--the choice is yours.

#lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen #gettingthingsdone




A Big Week