October 2023 Hours Check In

I took my foot off the gas in July, August, and September.

It felt so good.

I got to lean into the billable-equivalent work that I love so much.

But, now, in October, I gotta get back to it, big time.

So, here's this month's (trigger warning) #billablehour check in.

In October I need to bill about 200 hours.

Yes: that is a lot.

But, I'm going to continue to rely on billable-equivalent time and get back to some weekend pro bono work (shout to to Wills For Heroes starting back up).

So, based on my calendar--including weekdays and weekends--I will have 20 full billing days and 7 half billing days.

To hit 200 hours, that means I need to bill 8.5 hours on full days and 4.3 hours on half days.

When I bill more, I'll take time off the next day, the rest of the week, or over the rest of the month.

When I bill less, I'll add time to the next day, the rest of the week, or over the rest of the month.

I hope to take advantage of October being a long month (and my husband hunting just about every weekend in November).

This will set me up to have many non-billing days in December (for new partner orientation, my parents coming into town, and a 10-day Christmas vacation).

I'm ready.

#lawyerwellbeing #gettingthingsdone #law #professionalwomen


Law is a business.


10.1.23 Sunday Reset