Optimize in 2025

1.1.25 -- Here we go. This year, my theme is: optimize. I hope to calibrate and fine tune this year's efforts to:

👑 increase my firm metrics--steadily growing my working collections, managing collections, and new client collections.

👑 hit 2,400 hours all in (again)--focusing on client work and new professional development opportunities, continuing to build my business and brand, and eliminating the investment hours that no longer serve me and my goals.

👑 stick to my health plans and boundaries--blocking of time in the day to workout and eat mindfully (away from my desk) and sticking to this more days than not.

It might now sound like it, but: In 2025, I want to do less. I've set myself up for that by saying no to things, transitioning away from certain commitments, and envisioning more spacious days.

Optimization isn't about doing more. It is about maximizing the time and systems you do have, using them wisely, and holding fast to boundaries and goals. Steadfast calibration--let's go.



New Year, New Billable Hour Goal


2024 Recap