

I feel it constantly.

I'm learning that most of the pressure I feel comes from: Me.

I am my toughest critic.

I am very hard on myself.

It is a weight I carry and I rarely feel a break from it.

I'm working on feeling good.

I'm working on believing my good is enough.

But, when striving for approval is an effort I've sought since a very young age,

That's a long process.

An imperfect process.

A process in and of itself that must be welcomed with:

This is good enough today.

To those like me, who feel this pressure:

You are not alone.

I carry that relentless pursuit alongside you.

I hope, like me, you have hope that you can, slowly but surely, lighten the load,

And eventually, let go of the pressure we put on ourselves.

#lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen #legalissues


Perfectly Imperfect


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