World Mental Health Day 2024

Today is World Mental Health Day.

Our profession celebrates excellence--perfection even--often at the cost of our mental health and wellbeing.

The internal and external pressures we feel and carry cause us to hide our struggles.

We fear being ostracized, stigmatized--no matter how outwardly successful we appear, no matter how many gold stars we've achieved along the way.

Sure, being always on, people pleasing, saying yes to everything--these things help us succeed, they are often why we achieve much of what we achieve.

And yet, many of us struggle silently. It can be episodic, or consistent.

It is a shared human experience. And, in 2024, there are many people and resources you can turn to for support.

Today, on World Mental Health Day, I hope you'll ask yourself: How am I feeling? Where do I need help and how can I ask for and get it?

I hope you'll check in with your friends and colleagues and ask: How are you really doing? Is there anything I can help you with?

My commitment to #WMHD2024 comes on Saturday, when I complete my Mental Health First Aid certification.

There is truly something we can all do, for ourselves and others, to make our zones of influence a better, more supportive space.



First Year

