2023 Goals

When thinking about new, annual goals, I like to look back on last year’s goals.


Last year, I hoped to:


πŸ“š Read 22 books. I read 15.

✍ Post daily on LinkedIn. I basically accomplished this. 

πŸ”’ Hit 5,000 followers on LinkedIn. I hit 4,900 or so.

πŸ’ͺ Find a sustainable workout option. I found Future and personalized workouts that empower me to keep at it.

πŸ’» Start posting my LinkedIn posts also on my personal website. I had to catch up monthly, but this, I completed.

Did I meet every goal? No.

But, I made progress and that is a win.


This year, I hope to:


πŸ“š Read 23 books, starting with those left unfinished from last year.

πŸ”’ Hit 5,000 followers and build from there.

πŸ’» Post my LinkedIn posts across all my social media accounts (and website) in real time, daily.

🎬 Start creating on TikTok.

πŸ’ͺ Keep up with my workout routine.

βš– Hit my billable hour requirement, without going too far beyond it (a sort of carryover goal, as my associate year starts 7/1 and ends 6/30). 

☎ Continue building my network, through intentional outreach.


To some, this will seem like a lot.


For me, this doesn’t actually feel like goal setting.


Instead, I’m upgrading.


I’m building on the habits and routines I created in 2022 and taking them that one step further.


As a result, these feel really doable without being gimmes.


I’m excited for what’s to come.


What are you looking forward to trying to accomplish in 2023?


#lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen #gettingthingsdone #personaldevelopment 



