Negative Notice

Experiment with "negative notice," meaning:

If I do not hear from you by [insert date and time here], then I will [insert discrete yet detailed course of action].


This is not to be done lightly.

You cannot pull this trigger immediately or with every partner or client.

But, this can be a powerful tool when you're in the "nudging" or "stalking" phase and need to trigger some action.

Best case scenario? Partner or client chimes in, stating go ahead.

Next best case scenario? Partner or client chimes in, sharing what they'll do, when they'll do it, and asking you not to proceed until then.

Next best case scenario? You hear nothing and proceed and things keep moving along.

The most important element is doing this far enough out so that the partner or client has sufficient time to see your notice and react if desired.


Managing up is an art; an art you do not learn in law school and often are not explicitly taught by a firm.

Your job as an associate is to look for ways to keep things moving forward.

Tracking and meeting (or beating) deadlines is one way.

Another is nudging and pinging and bumping partners.

This can be awkward and uncomfortable, but it is 100% part of the job.

Eventually your gut will kick in. It will say, "I can do this."

This tool comes in handy as that voice grows. Use it wisely.

#emilylitigates #biglaw #professionalwomen




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