It is okay to not take a vacation. It not okay to never take a break.
If I didn't have family that likes to take somewhat regular week-long vacations, I probably never would.
Why? My mind, body, and spirit leans towards more regular, smaller breaks, like a long weekend or a half-day here and there, etc.
That's okay, because it is mine and it is what works for me.
But hear me when I say: these breaks are crucial.
You cannot find sustainability in this career if you don't give your mind, body, and spirit time away--small or large, once a year or more often.
Take the time. You can and should do so. For yourself, your clients, your colleagues, and your family + friends.
You'll be a better attorney long term when you incorporate breaks into your life.
(This post brought to you by the annual chaos of partners having and taking spring break trips at various intervals from mid-March through mid-April.)
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