Client Contact

In #biglaw, it is up for debate how quickly you'll get direct client contact.

Some will get it right away; others, a bit down the road.

You'll also hear that in the beginning, the assigning attorneys (and partners) are your clients.

That's helpful and unhelpful advice, but when it comes to communication, treating assigning attorneys as clients is a good way to practice for when direct client communication comes your way.

Some things to keep in mind as you start speaking with clients--often by email:

📝 Gather the pertinent information.

📝 Confirm the purpose of the communication.

📝 Don't hesitate to send a draft to the senior associate or partner to look at first--some will even require this.

📝 Be as direct as possible.

📝 Be as concise as possible--if a longer email, give the brief summary or answer up front, with the fulsome analysis below. Don't hesitate to use bullet points.

📝 Call out key deadlines and key asks.

📝 Use the subject line purposefully--include the matter name, 2-4 word description, and deadline if applicable. Example: 10/16 Update Re: Plaintiff v. Defendant -- DRAFT Answer Due 10/31.

📝 Update the subject line with each new update. But: reply in the same chain as much as possible, so that you can refer back to prior updates and keep the record intact.

📝 Explain when you will next follow up--and then follow up accordingly.

📝 Be realistic about when you will next reach out, have a draft, etc.

📝 Explain when and how you are available for follow up questions or for a conference call to discuss.

📝 Give context for what you're recommending and why. You want the client to have everything they need to make the decision (or follow your recommendation).

📝 Ask for feedback.

📝 Don't be afraid, when appropriate, to be a human and build the connection and relationship with the client (also human) on the other side.

📝 Confirm attachments are attached.

📝 Confirm the appropriate recipients are included.

📝 Proofread--I have a one minute delay on outgoing emails, which gives me time to do some of these things again and again as I feel compelled.

These (and likely many other) considerations will help you appear professional and build trust.

These steps will help you create a record for future use and models for other matters.

#lawyerwellbeing #client #communication #gettingthingsdone


Closing Ritual


10.15.23 Sunday Reset