DITL v.1
As we get into 1L hiring season (for summer 2024), I know one question someone will ask in an interview: what does your typical day look like?
My consistent answer? No two days are the same.
This is the hardest part about the job for me, as I thrive on routines, rituals, and consistency.
So, I thought I'd map out what some of my days have looked like recently (or will (hopefully) look like in the near future:
Day In The Law v.1 (DITL)
530 AM CT: Gentle alarm goes off (I swear by my Hatch alarm clock).
539 AM CT: Get out of bed, shower, make bed, start coffee.
6ish AM CT: Miracle morning (meditate, affirmations, vision (journal), read (for fun), and gratitude list), review emails that came in over night, and complete some NYT online puzzles.
7ish AM CT: Draft and submit daily LinkedIn post, share on personal website and other socials, engage with network. Make and eat breakfast somewhere along the way.
745 AM CT: First workblock of the day (continue prepping for tomorrow's deposition).
945 AM CT: Head to dentist.
1130 AM CT: Second workblock (more dep prep and lunch).
130 PM CT: Break to review emails; handle one-off and quick tasks.
2 PM CT: Third workblock (more dep prep).
4 PM CT: Workout (at the office gym).
5 PM CT: Closing ritual (bring dep prep to stopping point (for now), review and clean up inbox, review day's timesheet and enter time, handle one-off and quick tasks, and prepare tomorrow's to-do list).
6 PM CT: Dinner at home with husband.
630 PM CT: Final workblock of the day (continue dep prep).
9/930/10 PM CT (when I hit the wall, I'll know it, and my evening process will begin): Make tea, start separating myself from work, read for fun, wind down, and eventually fall asleep (hopefully by 10:30 PM at the latest).
On this day, I'm lucky: other than the dentist, I have no meetings or calls. That's not always (or even often) the case. More on that in later DITL examples.
#emilylitigates #mindfullyemily #biglaw #lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen