Last October, I did something I thought I'd never be able to do: I gave up a paper planner for a digital one.
In 2019, I discovered bullet journaling. It rocked my world and I've been pushing through them about quarterly ever since. I carried that LEUCHTTURM1917 - Medium A5 Dotted Hardcover Notebook (Black) with me everywhere I went.
Bullet journaling allowed me to create a daily, dated planning page that worked just for me--unlike any I'd ever been able to find in a store or online. And, otherwise keep track of all my random thoughts, goals, plans, ideas.
Then, in September 2023, Shayla Kendricks posted about her digital setup. It was step-by-step and practical. I thought, "This is what I've been looking for."
So, I did it. Everything I used to do by paper is now on my iPad.
To start: I bought a screen cover that "feels like paper" and downloaded GoodNotes.
Next: I made sure my firm's onedrive was organized for my use and set up for easy access on my iPad (as well other firm apps).
Finally: I experimented with GoodNotes, a very personal exercise. It took me time to find the "paper" I liked, to learn how to turn off the "scribble to erase" feature (because my handwriting kept triggering it), and to figure out what notebooks worked for me.
In the end, I landed on (screenshot below):
(0) Timesheets: that template I shared last week. I uploaded a PDF into the notebook and now it is digital (no lie: I had an old fashioned clipboard and thirty printed copies of this with me at all times before I went digital).
(1) Notes -- Inbox: Not every matter needs its own notebook. I take notes here on random meetings, matters, calls, etc., save to the file if applicable, and transfer to a stand alone notebook if it takes on a life of its own.
(2) Bujo (Bullet Journal): Same as my real-paper notebook, just digital. I mostly use this for personal notes (budgeting, daily planning sheets, grocery lists, random personal goals, etc.).
(3) Partner: A notebook I started when I found out I made partner and where I keep notes related to this new stage of life.
(4) 2024 Hours: A 12-month calendar where I (by hand, yes, I know) keep track of my daily, weekly, monthly, and annual hours goal.
(5) 2024 LinkedIn: A 12-month calendar where I calendar post ideas. I don't follow it verbatim, but it is helpful to be able to place ideas on the calendar so I don't forget them.
(6) Client 1, 2, 3: When matters' notes take on a life of their own, or are large right out the gate, they get their own folder.
With this system, I went on vacation and didn't take my laptop--everything I needed was right there on my iPad. I also didn't have to bring paper with me--any documents I wanted to read were saved to my onedrive or available through my firm's apps.
I am a pen and paper girl, always, but, now, a modern one.
#mindfullyemily #emilylitigates #lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen #biglaw