Hard Worker

I've really come to terms with being a hard worker recently.

For the first time in my life, I've been saying it out loud:

I have worked very, very hard.

I've also ridden the waves of life, following opportunities, and making the most of them.

I don't know why I've struggled to admit that.

I've always known it and felt it deep within myself, but I've rarely spoken it.

I've shrugged and self-deprecated when others have commented on it.

It, at least partially, stems from comparison--others seemed smarter, others seemed to have it come easier, others appeared more perfect (you know, all those stories we tell ourselves--that we are not good enough).

No more.

And: I think it has been worth it.

I want to tell my 16-22 year old self: you did it, it paid off, keep going.

I want to go back in time to OCIs, which were a tough experience for me, and say: take heart, Emily. Be yourself. It'll work out because you are kind and hard working. You'll land because you build relationships with good people and because you make the most of each door that opens for you.

When I was in the thick of it, it was often hard to know that it would pay off.

Making partner has brought such clarity for me--I am here. I did it.

I am so, so grateful and I am so, so proud.

#mindfullyemily #emilylitigates #lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen #biglaw


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Tall Poppy