How’d I end up here?

Sometimes I look around and think, “How’d I end up here?”

Life has been full of surprises for me, as my seemingly traditional career trajectory has unfolded.

🤯 Arizona was the first surprise. I’d wanted to do Teach For America since I learned of it in high school. It taking me to Arizona was not the plan. But, it ended up being the single most transformative experience of my life.

🤯 Law school wasn’t a surprise for most people who knew me growing up, but going to the University of Mississippi was a second surprise. I picked it because everyone I talked to who went there before me had nothing but wonderful things to say about it. I also was extremely homesick for the South. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

🤯 Calling Wisconsin a surprise is an understatement. Clerking was a dream, Wisconsin not on the radar. If I hadn’t jumped at the opportunity, whoa. The rest never would have happened.

🤯 #BigLaw would surprise law-school Emily. I was skeptical of it. Very unsure. Clerking opened the door, and now it’s all I’ve known. And, it turns out, I really like it (most days).

🤯 Getting married was a surprise. I wasn’t the kid who dreamed of her wedding growing up (I left that to my sister). Now I’m building a life with a man who is truly my partner, who challenges and supports me. I’ll take it—even if it means having a deer hanging on our wall (another surprise).

🤯 Two dogs is as shocking for me as moving to Wisconsin. I often stare at them and wonder what changed in me to get me here. They’re the loves of my life. I’m a better human because of them.

🤯 The last surprise is #lawyerwellbeing and this platform. This is the one I am most proud to have leaned into. It brings me so much soul nourishment to talk, share, and teach about making myself more well, and helping other associates see that they can be well all while creating a more sustainable career.

Riding the wave of life, following the opportunities, has been hard at times, but also a privilege and a dream.

Although in my daily life, I stick to the plan and routine 9/10 times, these surprises have helped me adjust on a dime when needed.

I’m grateful for the journey.

#opportunity #law #experience


Sunday Reset


Billable Hour Check In