Inner Critic
Whew, my mind has been mean to me lately.
Lord knows: I’m my worst critic, my harshest reviewer, my most intense expectation giver.
I tend to dwell on the hard moments, on the times I think, “Emily, do better.”
This all gets worse when work is intense.
The below reminder came at just the right time.
In May—but especially for #lawyerwellbeing week—my goal is to stick to my routines, no matter what work or life throws at me.
My routines ground me and bring me a sense of autonomy or control in this otherwise out-of-my control and not-autonomous career.
This also includes working out—moving my body in someway, each day.
When things get hectic, my physical and mental health take a backburner.
I’ve known this about myself for a long time. I don’t want to be that way, but I accept myself anyway.
Here’s to improving that through small steps each day—1/31 down, here’s to 30 more.
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