Lawyer Wellbeing

Today, as part of #lawyerwellbeing week, I will speak to my firm about "stress management and mental health," and how I try to build a practice incorporating these things.

If one thing comes across, I hope it is this: I am not perfect at these things.

I deeply, innately struggle with these things.

By talking about those realities, I hope that others feel comfortable talking about them, too.

I want others to know: you're not alone in this.

It is hard.

You will not manage stress or mental health perfectly every day.

What can you do--besides talking about it?

💡 Experiment with stress-relieving techniques;

💡 Learn more about self-care and mental health;

💡 Treat others with kindness because you know: our shared humanity means we will all, at one point or another, be stressed or struggle with mental health.

There is no perfection in this.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution.

It is about creating dialogue and building safe spaces.

That is possible--even in the legal profession.

Yes, this is possible: even in the legal profession.

#legalprofession #management #mentalhealth #kindness


Inner Critic


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