Jan. 2024 Hours Breakdown

January 2024--back to my (trigger warning) #billablehour breakdowns.

For the first time as a #biglaw attorney, my billable year is (finally) the calendar year.

So today, the first business day of 2024, I start fresh and with wholly new goals.

As a partner, my all-in target is 2400 hours--yes, that's a lot (I feel the reactions coming already).

The base billable target I'm setting for myself is 1750, plus 650 hours of firm investment, personal and professional development, and of course: business development.

This year, I've gone through my calendar and blocked off the days each month I already know I'll be OOO (out of office, or hopefully not billing much/anything).

I've then created monthly targets from there.

For January 2024, my monthly target is: 214---146 base billable and 68 other time.

I will have at least 21 working days (business days in January), so 10.2 hours a day.

Before y'all come for me: yes, 10.2 is a lot (7.2 billable hours and 3 other hours), so I'll likely put in some after-hours time.

That is expected and will include:

⏳ billable work;

⏳ mentoring;

⏳ networking;

⏳ personal branding work;

⏳ recruiting;

⏳ bar association work/events;

⏳ CLEs;

⏳ some travel time;

⏳ DEI/women's initiatives; and

⏳ more.

Knowing my all-in numbers from the last year and a half, I know this is doable.

On days I miss my target, I'll add the hours to the next day, or spread them over the next week, or even over the remaining days in the month.

If I don't hit 214, I'll re-annualize my goal come February 1 and adjust course each day, week, and month of 2024.

Here's to starting off 2024 strong and with a solid foundation for what's to come.

#emilylitigates #mindfullyemily #professionalwomen



