Law School is Tough

Law school is tough. Full stop.

I loved law school. Full stop.

Both can be true.

When asked, "What are your tips for law students?,"

I have two go-to pointers:

👉 Treat law school like a job. 9-5, 7-6, 10-9 however long it takes each day to get your tasks done (on whatever schedule serves you best).

For me, that meant arriving at the law school when the law library opened (I'm an early bird. I've always loved the early, quiet, morning hours).

I stayed each day until my work was done.

This seems simple enough, but it also means:

I stopped working. I didn't overdo it.

If I was done by noon, I left and took care of errands or--gasp--rested.

This allowed me to enjoy afternoons walking at my favorite park, evenings out with friends, Saturdays in The Grove (#hottytoddy).

This habit will help you ride the ebb and flow of work.

Some times, it's nonstop, work all day everyday.

Other times, it's slow and you can (guilt-free) run a midday errand or complete a midday workout.

So, be serious about the work, in a professional sense, and create a routine that creates plenty of time for necessary work and flexibility when you're all caught up.

👉 Next: Beware the comparison trap.

(NOTE: This undercuts the above point. So keep this one in mind when experimenting with what works for you.)

Very quickly you'll pick up on who is at the top of your class (or the classes in front of you).

You might feel the urge to copy what they're doing.

Long hours in the library? Gotta be me.

Creating multiple outlines for each class, from scratch? Must be the trick!

Study groups? Gotta try it.

All-nighters? Worth a shot.


You know you.

Experiment with what works for you.

Trust your gut.

Stick to what works well and trash what isn't your style.

Let go of what others are doing and stick to your personalized system.

Comparison is a trap, and putting it aside is easier said than done, but you'll be more fulfilled at the end of each semester knowing you followed your instincts.

What tips helped you thrive (or survive) in law school?

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Sunday Reset


Like My Job