Not special.
I am not special.
During the pandemic, I embraced the idea of "average,"
proudly donning a sweatshirt with that painted across the front.
I know that I'm generally replaceable.
I've found some of solace in that,
and freedom:
Freedom to be me.
Sure, I've "achieved" a lot of things,
received a lot of "gold stars,"
but so have all of you--and so many millions out there that I'll unfortunately never cross paths with.
Junior associates often comment:
🌟 "You seem to have it all together."
🌟 "You're so successful here."
🌟 "How can I do it like you?"
Well, friends, these are lies we tell ourselves:
"They're special. That's why they've made it."
This is fake news.
🤣 I do not have it all together, just ask my husband.
🏆 You are successful right where you are. You are good enough and deserve to be here.
✔ I'll gladly share how I do things, but you have to find what works for you. My ways are not special.
Some will balk at this idea.
I don't blame them.
Elder millennials, for example, have been told how special we are our whole lives.
That mentality stopped serving me--and I don't think it serves others, but that's just my opinion--so I'm letting it go.
I'm not special.
I am good enough.
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