Nov. 2023 Billable Hour Check In

11.1.2023 -- time to check in on my (#triggerwarning) #billablehour goal (and requirement).

As I wind down my last two months as an associate and head toward partnership, I'm in a bit of a no-mans-land for my hours target.

On the one hand, the current six months (7.1-12.31) are half of what we call an associate cross-year.

On the other hand, the calendar year 2023 may be considered as a full partner year come 1.1.24. So, my math and tools have had to adjust.

Regardless, I'm on track to hit 1900 base (including straight billable and billable-equivalent hours) and well over that with all my firm investment time.

But: to stay on track, I need to have a huge November. Why? New partner orientation and my parents visiting Milwaukee fall the same week in December. And: I'm going to Canada for the last 11 days of 2023--skiing, oysters, and Michelin-star dining, oh my.

Now for the math:

My goal for the month is 205 hours.

Yes: that is a lot. I know that and I know some of you will hate that (for me and for your past/present/future selves).

It is what it is and I am eyes wide open.

November, for me, will have 19 days on which I hope to work full-working days and 9 days on which I hope to work half-working days.

205 divided by 19 full-days and 9 half-days =

8.7 hours to-be-billed on full days and 4.4 hours to-be-billed on half days.

Some days, I will work more than my goal.

Some days, I will work less than my goals.

Some days, I will exactly meet my goal.

I'll adjust every day: working more, working less, or holding as I go along.

Whatever I don't hit this month, I'll try to make up in December.

However much I beat the goal by will come off December's target.

Now, off to it.

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Prep for November 2023