
Confidence check: Are you over-apologizing?

Think about the last few emails you sent. How many times did you write:

My apologies . . .

I'm sorry . . .

I'm just . . .

Now, how many of those apologies were truly necessary?

During my clerkship, my judge pointed out this habit. It was eye-opening. Since then, I've made it a mission to eliminate unnecessary "softening" phrases from my professional communication.

Here's the deal: Save apologies for when they're genuinely needed. Otherwise, speak with authority. You've earned your place--own it.

I get it. It's tough. Even now, I catch myself downplaying my efforts. But remember: You are significant, if only to yourself (though I bet to many others too).

We belong here. Our work matters. Our efforts count.

Try this: Before hitting "send" on your next email, scan for those minimizing phrases. Delete them if they're not serving a purpose. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but stick with it.

True confidence often follows the habit of projecting it. Give yourself permission to stand tall in your communications.

You've got this. Let's see that professional presence shine through.



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