Tranquility is a Luxury

"Tranquility is a luxury."

Whew. Reading that this morning hit me like a ton of bricks.

In 2024, life moves at warp speed.

In 2024, life also is quite noisy.

It can be incredibly difficult to find quiet, stillness, peace.

And even more difficult to find those things outside of sleep (which for many of us also is not always quiet, still, or peaceful).

When asked about making time for my mental health and well-being, I always come back to this:

Do one small thing to start your day, and one small thing to end your day, that is just for you.

My small thing is quiet, stillness, and peace--even if just five minutes.

Maybe I'll meditate, maybe I'll read for fun, maybe I'll journal (if I have the time, I'll do a combination of all three).

But, it is always: quiet, still, and peaceful--even if that means waking up at 5 AM to fit it in.

The science and data show that starting your day with a moment of quiet, stillness, and peace sets your day up for success.

Ending it that way helps with unwinding, letting the day go, and finding quiet, stillness, and peace as you fall asleep.

These habits and rituals can help you break the stress cycle and process the noise.

Making it something you decide, something you control, also helps build a sense of autonomy over your time--something we often feel is missing in our modern lives and in #biglaw.

It does not have to be some big thing. It can be small. It can be only yours.

Tranquility is a luxury--it is also a necessity. I try to find some every day, even when it is loud, chaotic, and frenzied. I hope you can to.

#mindfullyemily #lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen




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