I love television.

Although, mostly, it’s for entertainment or background noise, sometimes I find some wisdom in my programs.

Take these three quotes from the final season of The Good Fight:

“I want off the wheel.” — Diane Lockhart

When she said that, I was in the midst of a busy season but also recovering from COVID. I needed off the wheel and needed it fast. Luckily it’s here now, but I also think this is something a lot of lawyers feel—even if they don’t know that’s what they’re feeling. It doesn’t mean (always) out of the profession, but it can mean: you need a break.

“Life is filled with irrelevant shit.” — Liz Reddick

So much noise. All the time. The Good Fight is a satire of our current policitcal and cultural climate. It is wild and sometimes worrisome. But the noise is real. Zoning it out is a full time job, but I appreciated Liz’s honesty about it.

“There’s a low hum of anxiety that’s become knitted into the fabric of our lives.” — Dr. Bettencourt

If this isn’t true, I don’t know what is. Every other day, it feels, I think, “Okay, we’re here, it’s going to be calm and nothing major will occur,” then BAM: politician makes wild statement about our constitution or BAM: big firm laws off hundreds or BAM: inflation and interest rates continues to plague us. I feel like I’m constantly dodging the next shoe—and shoes are dropping all the time.

Perhaps quotes like this is why I balance out more serious dramas with reality TV (real housewives anyone?).

But, I also like to think: If someone wrote this script, and I can relate to it, how many more people are feeling similarly? And that’s helpful: to know I’m not alone.

Any other TV lovers out there? Any lessons you’ve taken away from your favorite shows?

#lawyerwellbeing #television #wisdom #satire




Sandy Hook