Women Supporting Women—or not.

One of the toughest parts of the real world for me has always been when I've run into women who don't support other women.

It can feel shocking, extremely personal, and sad. It is often an experience that sticks with you, even causing you to distrust women down the road.

And yet: we don't talk about this openly, at least not very often, and not in a productive (read: not gossipy and not catty) way.

That changes next week when Rachel Clar, Esq.. Jennifer Connolly, and I host a panel to:

🤝 describe what this looks like;

🤝 share our experiences with it;

🤝 explain some reasons why it happens; and

🤝 give tips on what to do and what not to do when you experience it or see it happening to others.

If you're free on Wednesday April 10 at 230 PM CT, I hope you'll join us.

Sign up here: https://bit.ly/3TOcStR.


I did it.


Cheers to Our Parks