All Together

“You seem to have it all together.”

I hear this regularly.

Looks are deceiving.

I keep my game face on as much as possible--in public, at work.

I’ve developed tools that help me ride the ups and downs of litigation, big law, and life in general.


I get overwhelmed.

I get angry or frustrated.

I breakdown.

I panic.

I cry.

I hit walls.

I need breaks.

I face emergencies, new issues, and tight timelines.

I can't always do my best work.

This happens to everyone.


This happens to everyone.

No one is immune.

No human escapes these realities of life.

Not me.

Not you.

Not the person you think “has it all together.”

Not your boss, not your colleague, not your spouse or parent.

So, next time you think, “They have it all together,”

Check that thought.

Maybe even check in with (or on) that person.

I think you’ll be surprised with what you learn,

And they’ll likely appreciate your effort.

#lawyerwellbeing #culture #selfhelp #bestadvice


Vivid Dreams


Stalking Partners