Life Happens.
Life happens--always, consistently.
Sometimes it happens in a way that derails my (#triggerwarning) #billablehour plan.
Yes, I am diligent.
Yes, I keep track so that unexpected things don't totally wreck my year.
But, also: sometimes my anxieties about it are very, very loud.
7.5 years in that still happens.
I suspect, because of how I'm wired, it always will happen or at least will always be there.
Most of the time, I can quiet my doubts.
Although I might waffle between: "I must make up the time!" and "They're not going to fire me," typically, I can calm myself and move on.
But: not every time.
Yesterday was one of those days.
I hit a wall after some unplanned (and heavy) days away from work.
So, I talked to my mentor.
I asked our hours coordinator for updated, official numbers.
I then went home and took a nap.
Today: I'm ready to get back to it.
And here's the other thing: getting rid of the billable hour requirement would not magically turn off my internal pressure to perform.
I know, from other jobs, that my built-in need to achieve and meet expectations will always find a measure to cling to.
So, I develop my own systems, routines--and relationships--to help me through it.
You can too.
#lawyerwellbeing #professionalwomen #biglaw