Third Year of Law School

The last two days, I reflected on the first and second year of law school.

What about the third and final year?

I really just have one piece of advice, because the advice for the first two years continues to apply.

For your third year:

⭐️ Enjoy it. You know what to expect. You’ve got systems in place. Take advantage of that and enjoy it. Once you’re in practice, time will become fleeting. It’ll move fast on all fronts, personal and professional.

For those of you in the thick of 3L this might feel difficult. Finding a job, studying for the bar, other commitments will all still be pressuring you. That’s normal and mimics the pressures of post-law-school life.

But being a student is a special experience that most of us never go back to after obtaining our JDs. So, keep that in mind, embrace it, and enjoy it. You may just miss it once it’s gone.

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Billable Hour Check In


Second Year of Law School